Reporte de la COP21 para el 9 de diciembre de 2015
En seguimiento a las actividades de la agenda del Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA), las representantes de la organización asistieron a la presentación del documento Green to Scale: Low-Carbon Success Stories to Inspire the World, elaborado por Sitra, el Fondo de Innovación Finlandés, con el apoyo de organizaciones de diez diferentes países, entre los… Seguir leyendo »
Presentación del Reporte Green to Scale. Low-carbon success stories to inspire the world
La ciencia indica que es cada vez más urgente y necesaria la implementación de medidas ambiciosas a nivel internacional, nacional y local. Durante dos eventos paralelos celebrados en la sede de la COP21, Sitra, el Fondo de Innovación Finlandés, presentó el reporte titulado Green to Scale, desarrollado con el apoyo de aliados internacionales de diez… Seguir leyendo »

Participación del Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Rafael Pacchiano, durante la Plenaria Ministerial de la COP21
El pasado lunes 07 de diciembre de 2015 inició la segunda semana de negociaciones de la COP21. Durante su inauguración con un Foro de Alto Nivel en el salón La Siene, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, señaló que el reloj está corriendo hacia una catástrofe climática. Por ello, “el mundo espera… Seguir leyendo »
La incorporación del cambio climático en la perspectiva de las instituciones financieras
En el marco de la vigesimoprimera Conferencia de las Partes (COP21) de la Convención Marco de las Naciones sobre el Cambio Climático (CMUCC), el 7 de diciembre de 2015 se celebró el evento organizado por la Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), el Banco Mundial, la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo (AFD), el Banco… Seguir leyendo »

El día del transporte en la COP21
Gabriela Niño Ana Mendívil En seguimiento al éxito del Día del Transporte celebrado en Lima en el marco de la COP20, las organizaciones Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCat Partnership), Bridiging the Gap Initiative (BtG) y Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB) organizaron el Día del Trasporte en el contexto de la COP21 en París, Francia…. Seguir leyendo »

¿Ambicioso o no el borrador del Acuerdo de París?
Gabriela Niño Ana Mendívil El 5 de diciembre a media noche se aprobó el borrador que el día de hoy, 7 de diciembre de 2015, se empezará a negociar en las reuniones ministeriales de la COP21. Después de un largo camino y de múltiples reuniones desde la COP17 en Durban, el sábado se logró tener… Seguir leyendo »
Side Events vinculados a los temas de la Comunidad Clima LAC, Financiamiento, INDC’s y gobierno mexicano. | ||
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 13:15—14:45 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | South-south learning in the NAP Global Network |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 15:00 —16:30 Observer rm 1 | Side Event- Civil Society Pespectives on Low Carbon Deveopment |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 Observer rm 08 (150pax) | Climate Justice: Coal and Human Rights in the South, Community Choice Energy, Global Carbon Pricing |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 16:30-18:30 College Lycée Jean Jaures Salle 408 | GFLAC:Why should climate finance be a key demand from civil society perspective? |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 18: 30 European Union Pavilion, Hall 2B, in the blue zone of Le Bourget | Towards enhanced climate action in Latin America: ongoing and future regional cooperation on climate change. EUROCLIMA |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 16:45—18:15 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | Examination of how nations have and should consider equity and justice in setting INDCs. |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 17:00-18:30 Climate Generations Area, Salle 1, Paris. | Local Participation & Empowerment for Global Climate Justice |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 11:30-13:00 Room 1 | Climate Justice Program (ACJP) / Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF) Loss and damage – who should pay? At the moment the poor and vulnerable are paying for loss and damage with their homes, their land and their lives. Meanwhile the fossil fuel industry make trillions in profits. We will explore a concrete proposal to address this injustice. Speakers: Naomi Klein (depending upon day), Julie-Anne Richards – Climate Justice Programme, other civil society and Party speakers to be confirmed. |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 11:30-13:00 Blue Zone | CTS Embarq México & Clean Air Initiative-Asia Centre & FIA Foundation & International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) Pathways to sustainable mobility through local national and global action |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 13:15-14:45 Room 1 | Joint side-event of UNFCCC and UNEP: Presentation of UNEP 2015 Adaptation gap report The side event will present UNEP’s Adaptation Finance Gap report 2015, which provides an up to date assessment of the peer-reviewed literature and studies on the gap between costs and finance for adaptation, how this gap can be bridged, followed by a high-level panel discussion on the report’s implications for global climate policy and negotiations |
Saturday, 05 Dec 2015 | 14:00-15:00 TAP Pavilion- Civil Society Vullage | Johannesburg EcoMobility Summit: International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) & PPMC |
Sunday, 06 Dec 2015 | 9:00 —19:00 International Union of Railway Headquarter, 16 rue Jean Rey | Transport Day |
Sunday, 06 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 7 Place de Fontenoy | An Afternoon with Robert Redford: Storytelling for Global Action |
Sunday, 06 Dec 2015 | 16:00—17:00 Solutions COP 21 exhibit, Grand Palais | Good Policies=Good Jobs |
Sunday, 06 Dec 2015 | 19:30—21:00 l’Ordre des architectes d’ll-de-France located at 148 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin | NRDC Reception for Latino and Latin American Leaders Championing Collaboration on Climate Change |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 13:15-14:45 Room 3 | Joint side-event of UNFCCC and UNEP: Presentation of UNEP 2015 Emissions gap report The 2015 Emissions gap report is one of UNEP’s flagship products. It is a scientific assessment of the so-called ‘emissions gap’ – the gap between anticipated emission levels in 2030, compared to levels consistent with a 2°C / 1.5° target. It is a yearly assessment of national pledges, which this year take form of INDC |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 11:30—13:00 Observer rm 01 (300pax) | Cities and Climate Change: Energising Climate Action through Commitments and City Climate Finance |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 13:15—14:45 Observer rm 08 (150pax) | Strategic Climate Change Partnerships: Opportunities and actions in Developing Countries |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 11:30—13:00 Observer rm 02 (300pax) | Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Climate Change: national action and international phase out: Presentation of International Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Communiqué. National action and effort on subsidy reform. Inclusion in INDCs. *Felipe Calderon |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 Observer rm 01 (300pax) | Global Covenant of Mayors: Towards carbon neutral and inclusive cities. It explores how the initiative could be put into practice at a global scale, with focus on climate finance and stakeholders’ involvement. |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 16:45—18:15 Blue Zone, Observer rm 04 (200pax) | Mainstreaming climate change within financial institutions: Highlighting Five Voluntary Principles |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 16:00-18:30 Espace Générations Climat, sala 4 | Green Financing (BPIfrance) |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 16:00—18:00 Location TBD | Reception hosted by Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) and NRDC Urban Solutions |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | 9:00-12:30 por confirmar | 4th International Expert Workshop-Next steps in MRV Support for Transport NAMAs |
Monday, 07 Dec 2015 | Por confirmar | Reunión de CAN-LA |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 9:00 —18:00 Hotel Campanile La Villette, 147-151 Avenue de Flandre | Friedrich Ebert Stiftunf: COP Readiness Course |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 11:30—13:00 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | The Global Carbon Budget 2015 in context of a 2C pathway. |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 11:30—13:00 Observer rm 04 (200pax) | Climate Works: Can national policies and INDCs alone lead to a workable and effective climate regime? |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 11:30—13:00 Observer rm 02 (300pax) | How will INDCs shape development? Views from Chile, China, Colombia, India, Peru & South Africa |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 13:15—14:45 Observer rm 08 (150pax) | Mitigating methane emissions: from science to innovative solutions. This event will explore the latest methane science, mitigation actions in municipal solid waste (the third largest methane source globally), and financial mechanisms. |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 13:15—14:45 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | Exploring Co-benefits of Climate Finance for Development: Building on successes for post-2015 action. UN |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | Credibility of national actions and INDCs: worldwide legislative and policy developments |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 Le Bourget Climate Generations Space, Rm 9 | City Resilience: Real World Measures that Save Lives and Reduce Carbon–Examples from India, Europe and the United States |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 15:45-17:15 Climate Generations Area, Salle 6 | AIDA: Moving Beyond Business as Usual: Shifting the GCF towards Climate Justice and True Transformation |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 16:45-18:15 Room 2 | German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)/ German Development Institute (DIE – Bonn)/ World Resources Institute (WRI): Tracking, implementing, and ramping up transformative climate action post-Paris Transformative climate action has to be taken at all levels with a range of actors contributing towards decarbonization & climate resilience. We will discuss this multi-faceted responsibility, from the subnational, esp. cities, to national & international levels, incl. both public & private actors.Speakers: John Schellnhuber (WBGU and PIK), Dirk Messner (DIE and WBGU), Jennifer Morgan (WRI) |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 16:45—18:15 Observer rm 03 (200pax) | Leadership on low-carbon Amazon rural development: governments, civil society and supply chains |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 18:00—19:30 Arctic Reception | Campion Advocacy Fund and Sierra Club |
Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | 18:30—20:00 Observer rm 10 (500pax) | Beyond Grants: Innovative Blended Finance. GEF |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 9:45-11:00 Nordic Council of Minister’s Pavilion, Blue Zone, Hall 2B, Booth 65 | SITRA: Green to scale: What Nordic countries can learn from the world- and what the world can learn from the Nordic countries? |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 12:00-13:30 Generation Climat- Peru Pavilion | AVINA: Compromisos de acción climática y oportunidades para implementación post2015 |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 12:00-15:30 Espacio Alternativo ZAC | Foro Latino sobre Cambio Climático |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 13:00—14:30 Observer rm 9 | Climate Action in the United States – From the local to the national to the global |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 15:00—16:30 Observer rm 08 (150pax) | Multi-Level Climate Governance: An integrated analysis of National, Regional and Local Policies. This side event assesses the current framework of multi-level governance for climate change control, providing an integrated analysis of national, regional, and urban policies and commitments. By comparing INDCs according to different metrics, it provides an overview of their future implementation. |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 16:45—18:15 Observer rm 12 (300pax) | Scaling-up investment in clean energy in developing countries |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | 18:30—20:00 Observer rm 10 (500pax) | Mobilising Resources at Scale for the Green Climate Fund: «Looking Beyond Paris» |
Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015 | Climate Generations Area | What are the NAMAs and how civil society engagement important for their success |
Thursday, 10 Dec 2015 | 11:30— 13:00 Observer rm 1 | Global Climate Action: Perspectives on Major Energy Initiatives |
Thursday, 10 Dec 2015 | 13:15—14:45 Observer rm 12 (300pax) | Linking Low Emission Development with National Climate Goals |
Ensuring the Right Climate Actions for Ecosystems and People
Recommendations for Paris Abstract Actions taken to maintain or enhance ecosystem integrity and resilience will help countries to achieve their mitigation and adaptation objectives and to avoid ill-conceived climate responses that perversely undermine progress towards these objectives. Similarly, respecting, protecting, promoting and fulfilling rights are fundamental to long-term success of climate actions; mitigation and adaptation… Seguir leyendo »